Being single is never easy at any age. Being single and almost 26 is downright difficult. This is the time in life friends are getting married, having kids, and saying good-bye to the last vestiges of their youth and irresponsibility. Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City made a good point when she says "Think about it. If you are single, after graduation there isn't one occasion where people celebrate you ... Hallmark doesn't make a "congratulations, you didn't marry the wrong guy card.” Being single now entails that I have to spend my hard earned money on sterling silver stemware and Pampers for these happy couples and families. I could wallow in this sea of self-pity, but that isn't my style. Instead I want to look at the positives of being single.
1. You aren't tied down. Single people can work in any state or country. I have been able to live in Seoul, South Korea this last year. Being single allowed me to pick-up and go within just a few weeks.
2. You can do what you want with your free time. It is nice to lay in your pajamas on a Saturday until 4pm every once in a while or decide at midnight to head downtown for some salsa dancing.
3. You are more likely to be bumped up to business or first class on an airplane than a couple or family. Their is no self-pitying when you are drinking champagne at 10,000 feet.
4. Flirting. You can flirt all you want. There is something magically when you meet a person and there is instant chemistry. As a single person, you can guiltlessly flirt with anyone at anytime, and the chance of a romantic encounter is always just around the corner.
5. No splitting the holidays. There is no need to argue which holidays you spend at your folks and who sacrificed holiday bliss last Thanksgiving. You can always spend the holidays with your family and friends.
6. The single person is the sole owner of the remote control, can hog the sheets at night, and never has to share the bathroom. The single person is truly the king or queen of their domain.
7. Spontaneity and freedom are yours. There is no one else’s feelings or schedule to consider. You are free to follow whims, moments of compassion, or irresistible urges. Last year I decided on a whim to fly to Taiwan for a holiday. Being single, I didn’t have to consult anyone but my bank account. There is a joy in having the freedom to just follow your heart’s desires.
These are just a few of the perks of being single that are not to be ignored or dismissed in the search of a Mrs. or Mr. Right. Revel in your singleness while you can, because once its gone, it might never be captured again.
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